Legislative Updates
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The steps of proposed legislation becoming law is:
- A senator or representative introduces a bill to a specific committee. That committee debates the bill and decides whether or not to submit it to the entire Congress.
- The bill must pass committee or it “dies in committee.” When one party controls a committee, they can kill the other party’s bills.
- The bill is passed in the House of Representatives or Senate, depending on where it was introduced.
- If the bill passes in that chamber, it advances to the next chamber, where it is also debated and voted on.
- If the bill passes there, it goes to the president. The bill can be sent back to the other chamber with suggested changes. If so it will be debated and voted on again.
- If the bill reaches the president’s desk, he will sign it, veto it or let it sit for 10 days, after which is becomes law, unless Congress adjourns (one party attempts to kill the bill this way).
Current Bills in Congress
H.R. 127: To provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.
This bill was introduced on January 4th by Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee.
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H.R. 1: To expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes.
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H.R. 102: To ensure election integrity and security and enhance Americans’ access to the ballot box by establishing consistent standards and procedures for voter registration and voting in elections for Federal office, and for other purposes.
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